We are not the only dreamers; yet, FOR MANY YEARS wE'VE BEEN pioneers in our quest
to help brands transform towards cradle to cradle.




At VANDUER, we translate the uncertainty of our times into opportunities through the power of communication. We love processing strategic and creative thinking into meticulous messaging with a real connection. Only then can communication be effective to show that a brand’s audience can believe and follow.

Brand Identity

As pioneers, we go beyond mere aesthetics – we want to help you find the voice of your brand that embodies its purpose and values. Aligning with the European Union's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we want to collaborate with you in your process of conceiving a better future.


We create a journey that communicates your brand's core purpose brought to life through touch points filled with real substance.


The language of a brand speaks through its design and visual vocabulary. We will create engaging and authentic visuals that your audience can understand through multiple senses.

Social Media

Our expertise in social media strategies lets your brand stand out above the noise of the digital world, creating a valuable and authentic dialogue with your audience that they will remember.

Film and Photo

With our lifelong experience in visual storytelling, we help you transform your narrative into a truthful and compelling experience across TV, print, and online platforms.



In the dynamic world of business, VANDUER envisions a new definition of success. Our mission revolves around rethinking growth, embracing a multifaceted expansion that goes beyond conventional metrics. As we embark on this journey together, we're committed to propelling your market share while also elevating employer satisfaction, rooting environmental responsibility, and contributing to a sensible society.

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Alexander Eckert

Founder & Managing Director

Reinhard Krug

Founder & Creative Director

Natalia Eckert

Founder & Head of Art

Kim Bergmann

Head of Account

Victoria Albrecht

Art Director

Josefine Nipper

Freelance Strategist